Carbo vegetabilis CH is indicated in indigestion from overeating, eating the wrong foods, poor or slow digestion, and eating bad foods.
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Product Details
Carbo vegetabilis CH is a homoeopathic medicine which is mostly indicated in gastric disturbances and is characterized by excess gas in the stomach, indigestion, bloating and belching. Carbo vegetabilis CH is indicated in indigestion from overeating, eating the wrong foods, poor or slow digestion, and eating bad foods. It is considered the last aid in debilitating diseases and states of collapse.
This remedy acts well in old people with venous congestions, headaches, intestinal infection, infectious fevers with diarrhea, vomiting and collapse.
Mouth: Apthous ulcers with white or yellowish brown coated tongue and sensitive teeth with retracted and bleeding gums. Infection and swelling of gums, with bad odor from the mouth.
Stomach: Abdomen distended and tense with flatulence causing frequent eructations, waterbrashes, heaviness, fullness, and sleepiness. Difficulty in breathing due to oppression of chest from flatulence. Sour eructations after eating and drinking which gives temporary relief from abdominal pain and dyspnea. Sluggish digestion with nausea in morning and pain in the stomach extending to the back. Empty feeling in stomach which is not relieved by eating. Sensitiveness and pain in the epigastrium with cramps in the stomach.
Abdomen: Distress in abdomen as if from straining with excessive flatulence and fetid flatus. Very sensitive to touch, cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Complaints from fistula of intestines. Flatulent dyspepsia with pain in the liver, relieved by passing flatus.
Rectum and Stool: Itching in the rectum and anus with hot, burning and fetid flatus. Burning and gnawing in the rectum with acrid and moist exudation. Itching and soreness of perineum at night with moisture. Varicose veins of anus with burning and bleeding from rectum. Diarrhea with frequent, involuntary offensive stools with burning in anus. Haemorrhoids bluish, burning with pain after stool.
Skin: It is indicated in varicose ulcers, infected boils, gangrenes, bed sores, non healing ulcers, suppurating skin eruptions with cold, moist skin, itching and hot perspiration. Lesions which are slow in healing and bleed easily with offensive discharges and burning pain.
Modalities: Worse in the evening, at night, open air, cold, fat food, butter, coffee, milk, warm damp weather and wine. Better from eructations, fanning and cold.