It is reported to be useful in clergyman’s sore throat, goitre, gout, Meniere?s disease, rheumatism, spinal sclerosis, muscular atrophy, etc.

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Product Details

This remedy has been found of useful inpatients broken down by abuse of alcohol. Sensitive patients worse cold, wasted muscles, and skin and mucous membranes anaesthetic. Special affinity for eyes.Chronic rheumatism, sensitive and cold. Lack of vital heat.

This remedy is very useful for persons who are broken down by abuse of alcohol. It has special affinity for eyes. It is also indicated for chronic rheumatic pains with lack of heat and sensory difficulties in limbs.

Eyes: Problems with vision. Cloudiness and atrophy of optic disc. Inflammation of optic nerve. Arteries and vein congested and congestion of retina. Everything seems cloudy and fogged. Vision greatly impaired with problems in color vision.

Ears: Impaired hearing. Buzzing and singing noises in the ears. Ringing in the ears with dizziness.

Male: Loss of desire with inability to perform. Parts cold, relaxed and atrophied. Frequent profuse emissions.

Extremities: Sore, bruised feeling in the limbs. Numbness of the arms and hands. Lightning like pains with cramps. Vesicular eruption on the dorsal surface of hands. Fingers swollen, insensible, rigid and stiff. Unsteady gait, tottering and staggering in darkness. Pain in the lower limbs with cramps, numbness and formication with insensible feet. Lightning like pains in the back of thighs which extends to feet ,returning regularly for long time. Irritability of nerves.

Skin: Numbness, itching and burning in the skin. Chronic skin disease with intense itching. It is useful in healing ulcers and small wounds and also helps to restrain the growth of tumors. Infection of boils.

Modalities: Better in open air. Worse after breakfast and bathing. Sensitive to warm, damp weather.

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