It is reported to be useful in bronchitis, dropsy, epistaxis, haemorrhoids, jaundice, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheumatism, etc.
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Product Details
This remedy has been found of useful for the liver, and portal system, abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer, varicose veins and ulcers, diseases of miners, associated with asthma. Dropsical conditions depending on liver disease, and when due to pelvic congestion and hepatic disease.
The main action of this remedy is centred around the liver and portal system. Dropsical conditions depending on liver diseases and from pelvic congestion. Haemorrhages in connection with hepatic diseases.
Stomach: Bitter taste with decreased appetite. Persistent nausea, retching and vomiting of green, acrid fluid. Formation of stones in the gall bladder with enlargement of liver. Stitching pain in the left side of the abdomen near spleen.
Abdomen: Pain and soreness in the liver region. Very sensitive to touch with soreness and fullness. Constipation with hard, knotty and difficult stools which alternates with diarrhea. Stool are bright yellow in colour. Inflammation of gall bladder with painful tenderness. Dropsy of abdomen from hepatic disorders.
Rectum: Bleeding piles, prolapsed of rectum with burning pain in anus and rectum. Hard, knotty and clay like stools passed with much difficulty. Profuse diarrhea from malignancy of rectum.
Urine: Cloudy and bright yellowish, golden colour urine.
Skin: Itching all over the body at night. Eruption on the lower part of the sternum. Varicose ulcers with venous congestion.