It is reported to be useful in abortion, amenorrhoea, chloasma, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea,ovarian neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.

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Product Details

It is reported to be useful in want of tonicity of the womb. During labour, when the pains are deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful.

It is one of the most important women?s remedy in homoeopathy. It is indicated for menstrual and joints complaints with spasmodic pains. It helps to revive the labor pains and in rheumatic pains of the smaller joints.

Stomach: Severe pain and tenderness in the epigastrium corresponding to the cardiac orifie of the stomach. Indigestion with spasmodic contractions of the stomach.

Female: It is indicated in extreme rigidity of external os of cervix with pricking pain in the cervix as from needles. Severe spasmodic pains radiating to all directions from the uterine region. False labor pains with shivering without further progress in the labor. Frequent abortions due to weakness of uterus. Painful and profuse menstruation and white discharges and lochia from vagina. Pains radiate from uterus in all directions during all conditions.

Skin: Pigmentations of skin with menstrual and uterine disorders. Moth spots on the face with leucorrhea.

Extremities: Erratic pains with stiffness in the joints which changes places every few minutes. Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles, etc. dull pain in the wrists and cutting pains in the hands on closing. Pain especially in the smaller joints of fingers, toes and wrists, etc.

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