It is reported to be useful in cerebro-spinal meningitis, ciliary neuralgia, epilepsy, glaucoma, hydrophobia, intermittent fever, neuralgia, rheumatism, neuritis, toothache, etc.
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in tropical or in damp, warm, marshy countries. It has been found curative in malarial affections, especially neuralgia. Adapted to persons of a voluptuous disposition, excitable, nervous temperament.Has powers of anti-doting snake-bites and stings of insects.
It is useful as an antidote to insect and snake bites. Periodicity is the marked feature of this remedy and is particularly suitable to tropical and damp, marshy climates.
Head: Headache with pain from temple to temple across the eyes. Pain on the right side of the face, especially in the morning. Numb feeling of the whole body with headache and roaring in the ears.
Eyes: Shooting pains in the left eye with acrid, hot and burning tears. Severe pain in the eyeball with radiating pain around the eye extending to the nose. Inflammation of iris and choroid of the eyes. Periodic supra-orbital pains.
Extremities: Shock like pains in the joints especially of hands and feet. Severe pain in the ball of right thumb extending to arm and shoulder, and ball of the right foot extending to the knee. Swelling of knee joint with collection of fluid.
Fever: Heat with redness and itching in the eyes, tearing pain and numbness in limbs. Chilliness towards evening with headache, extending from forehead to sides of the head.