It is also useful in the treatment of toothache, menstrual disorders and gastric derangements with bilious vomiting, liver disorders, etc.

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Product Details

Chamomilla CH is especially indicated in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colicky pains are marked. Unbearable pains with night sweats and complaints during dentition in children. It is also useful in the treatment of toothache, menstrual disorders and gastric derangements with bilious vomiting, liver disorders, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is especially indicated in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colicky pains are marked. Unbearable pains with night sweats and complaints during dentition in children.

Mind: Marked restlessness and peevishness with piteous moaning. Wants to be carried and petted constantly. Very impatient, spiteful, snappish, always complaining and dislikes being spoken to and very sensitive to pain.

Face: Complaints of dentition and pain in children. Toothache with severe neuralgic pains and stitches in jaw extending to inner ear. Pain worse after warm drink, coffee and at night that drives him crazy.

Stool: Dentition diarrhea with spasmodic pain and colic of the abdomen and green, watery, fetid, slimy stools. Discharge of white and yellow mucus with soreness of anus.

Female: Intolerable and spasmodic pain with profuse, clotted, dark blood and labor-like pains. Pressing pain with tenderness and inflammation of nipples and yellowish discharges from vagina.

Respiratory: Loss of voice with dry tickling cough. Oppression of chest with tightness and suffocation, with hawking cough and rawness of larynx. Increased mucus with rattling in the chest and bitter expectorations.

Modalities: Worse from heat, anger, open air, wind and night. Better from being carried and warm, wet weather.

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