It is also indicated in cases of serous effusions, hydrocele, etc.
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Product Details
Chelidonium majus CH is a prominent liver remedy which covers many symptoms related to that of the diseases of the organ. It is also indicated in cases of serous effusions, hydrocele, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.
It is a prominent liver remedy which covers many direct and reflex symptoms from the disorders of that organ with great weakness and prostration. It is also useful in case of ailments brought on or renewed by change of weather.
Eyes: Conjunctiva dirty yellow in color with soreness of eyes. Tears gush out profusely. Neuralgic pains in the right eye with contracted pupils which get relieved by pressure.
Stomach: Large, yellowish and flabby tongue with imprint of teeth. Bitter taste with bad odor from the mouth. Constant nausea and vomiting, with pain in the stomach which gets better from very hot food and drinks. Pain passes through stomach to back and right shoulder blade. Eating relieves the pain temporarily.
Abdomen: Biliary colic with weak digestion, and constipation from obstruction of the ducts of liver and gall bladder. Distention of the abdomen with gas from fermentation and sluggish bowels. Enlargement of liver and formation of stones in gall bladder.
Stool: Hard stools like round balls like sheep?s dung. Diarrhea alternates with constipation. Bright yellow colored or clay colored stools with burning and itching in the anus. Stool floats in the water, fatty stools.
Skin: Pale, sallow and wilted skin which feels cold and clammy to touch. Painful red eruptions like pimples, pustules in the skin. It is also indicated for old, spreading ulcers and offensive wounds. Yellowish discoloration of the skin, with dry heat and itching.
Modalities: Worse lying on right side, motion, touch and change of weather. Better from pressure and after dinner.