It is reported to be useful in debility, jaundice, worms, quinine cachexia, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It is reported to be useful in liver affections with pain or soreness of the left lobe of the liver and extending downwards. Dumb ague.Soreness of external parts, as if skin were off; debility.Malaise, following intermittents.Dyspepsia with hepatic torpor.Jaundice. Round and thread worms. It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body.It is a remedy useful in cases of liver disorders and worm infestations. Weak digestion due to derangement of liver functions. Inflammation of liver with pain and soreness of the left lobe of liver extending downwards. Soreness all over the body as if the skin were peeled off. Weakness and prostration after intermittent fevers. It is useful in treating every kind of worm infestation especially round and thread worms.