It is reported to be useful in constipation, haemorrhoids, intermittent fever, seminal emissions, liver complaints,etc.

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It is reported to be used in intermittent fever, with weariness and inclination to stretch. Hamstrings feel too short. Flexors mostly affected. Sensation of retraction of arm tendons.

It is of use in chronic intermittent fever with great weakness and tiredness with constant inclination to stretch the limbs due to contracted feeling of the tendons.

Head: Headache from drinking alcohol and stimulants. Violent headaches with great anger and violence at the beginning of chills during fever. Very destructive with pain in the right frontal region.

Female: Sharp shooting pains in the vagina extending towards the left ovary.

Fever: Coldness of the body with sensation as of wind blowing on knees. Pains all over the joints, as if the tendons were contracted and short, especially the knee joints. Constant stretching of limbs from shortness of the tendons. Fever without thirst but little during chilly stage. Profuse perspiration with no thirst.

Bowels: Stool hard, dry, knotty like balls from constipation with ulceration of the rectum.

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