It is indicated in cases of nausea, vomiting, headaches, affections of cerebrum, backache, vertigo, painful menses, etc.

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Product Details

Cocculus indicus CH is one of the most useful remedies for motion sickness. It is indicated in cases of nausea, vomiting, headaches, affections of cerebrum, backache, vertigo, painful menses, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

Clinically this remedy is useful in treating affections of nervous system with spasmodic and paralytic attacks with painful contractions of limbs with convulsions. It is also indicated for motion-sickness.

Mind: Constant changing in moods. Time seems to pass too fast. Irresistible desire to sing and frequently absorbed in daydreams. Mind slow in comprehending things and feels stupid. Very sad and anxious about the health of others.

Head: Dizziness and sensation of fainting with nausea, especially when riding or sitting in a carriage. Sensation of emptiness in head with pain in occiput and nape of the neck which is worse from lying on the back of head. Sick headache from travelling by any means of transport. Pain in eyes with contracted pupils as if the eyeballs are torn out of head.

Face: Restriction of movement of the facial muscles from affections of facial nerve. Cramps in the muscles of the jaw with severe pain from opening the mouth. Pain in the face that radiates in all directions, worse in the afternoon.

Stomach: Stomach feels sick with nausea from riding in vehicles, motion-sickness and sea sickness. Very sick with aversion to food and drink with metallic taste in the mouth and excessive salivation. Paralysis of muscles which prevents swallowing, with dryness of throat and pharynx. Cramps in the stomach during and after eating. Spasmodic hiccough and yawning. Diminished appetite with desire for cold drinks. Empty feeling in the stomach but smell of food disgusts her.

Extremities: Soreness and tiredness of limbs with trembling and numbness. One-sided paralysis worse after sleep. Alternate heat and coldness of hands with numbness. Unsteady gait from weakness of lower limbs with cracking and inflammation of the knees. Paralytic drawing pain in the limbs when flexed and pain better from stretching.

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