It is reported to be useful in nephritis, scorbutic gums, sore throat, gonorrhoea, difficult micturition, abdominal cramps, etc.
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in cases of rheumatism. In nephritis the urine is increased in quantity, is pale, and contains albumin. In the inflammatory stages of gonorrhoea, there is violent burning and difficult micturition; the discharge from the urethra is scanty. It is of service in abdominal cramps when the pains start from the region of the stomach and pass around both sides to the back.
This remedy has specific action on the sinuses of frontal bone, nose and salivary glands. It is indicated in swollen gums and also in sore throat.
Head: Pressing and boring pain in the frontal bone which causes extreme anxiety and difficulty in thinking. Violent headaches especially in the forehead, with vomiting and impaired hearing.
Eyes: Soreness and inflammation of eyes from infection or injuries with mucus discharges. Profuse running of tears and discharges from eyes. Blurry vision from opacity of the cornea.
Stomach: Excessive flatulence with belching and cramps in the abdomen. Colicky pains extending towards back. Violent cramps in the abdomen extending to the sides and to the back. Griping pains around the umbilicus.
Respiratory: Difficult respiration with dry cough, worse from lying down. Collection of fluid in the lungs with congestion, and soreness of chest. Throat feels dry, rough and hoarse with hacking cough and running nose.
Urinary: Frequent and burning micturition with cutting pains in the glans penis before, during, and after urination.
Modalities: Worse evening and at night.