It is reported to be useful in constipation, dysentery, dysmenorrhoea, haemorrhoids, pruritus vulvae, rheumatism, etc.
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Product Details
It is indicated in chronic nasal, gastric, and pharyngeal catarrh, due to portal obstruction and dropsy from cardiac disease. It is also used for pruritus in pregnancy with piles. Constipation of children from intestinal atony.
It is indicated for congestion of portal veins and pelvic region which results in chronic constipation and heamorrhoids especially in females during pregnancy. Chronic infection and inflammation of nose, stomach and pharynx due to portal congestion from obstruction. Itching heamorrhoids during pregnancy. Odematous swelling of the limbs from heart diseases.
Head: Dull headache in the frontal region from suppressed haemorrhoids. Chronic inflammation of mucosal lining of the nose and throat with congestion, and increased mucus discharges. Thick coated yellowish tongue with bitter taste in the mouth.
Rectum: Sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum with intense itching in the anus. Sensation of weight and constriction in the rectum from venous engorgement. Obstinate constipation with very dry stools and protruding haemorrhoids. Severe pain in the pelvic region and the anus as if from pressure in the abdomen. Constipation during pregnancy with itching piles. Constipation during menses which is painful and profuse menses with passage of clots and membranes following childbirth. Painful bleeding piles. Stools thin with blood and mucus with frequent inclination to pass stools. Alternate constipation and diarrhea with great flatulence and itching of anus.
Female: Painful menses with intense itching of the vulva, swelling and dark redness of the parts from scratching. Soreness on sitting down and coldness in the thighs after menses. Painful menses, profuse bleeding with clots and obstinate constipation. prolapsed of the uterus with itching of the vulva.
Respiratory: Sore throat and cough from excessive use of voice. Loss of voice with sharp pain in larynx.
Heart: Odematous swelling of the body from heart diseases. Once the heart symptoms are relieved, piles or menses returns. Heart troubles alternate with haemorrhoids. Difficulty in breathing with severe palpitation, oppression of the chest and fainting.
Modalities: Worse from the slightest mental emotion or excitement and cold. Better by heat.