It is a beneficial remedy for pain as it has severe contractions and cramping pains that are made better by bending double.

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It is a beneficial remedy for pain as it has severe contractions and cramping pains that are made better by bending double. The patient is highly irritable and angry and has an annoying expression arising from his suffering. The pains are better by warmth and by pressure. Specifically, it is helpful in cases of left-sided sciatica and ovarian cysts.

It is indicated for menstrual troubles and abdominal complaints with neuralgic pains and cramps, twitching and shortening of muscles and constrictions and contractions of muscles and sphincters.

Stomach: Bitter taste in the mouth. The roughness of the tongue as if from the sand. Increased appetite with an empty feeling in the abdomen.

Abdomen: Cutting pain in the abdomen causing the patient to bend double and pressure on the abdomen. Heaviness and distension of the abdomen with a bruised feeling of the intestines. Abdominal colic with cramps in calves and cutting in the abdomen with pain below the navel. Remission of dysentery from least food or drink with much mucus.

Female: Neuralgic pains in the ovary with great restlessness. Small cysts like growths in ovaries or broad ligaments. The sensation of bearing down in the lower abdomen with want of support.

Urine: Severe burning sensation in the urethra during stool. Inflammation of the bladder with the thick, albuminous discharge with frequent urging. Cutting pains in the urethra with itching at the opening.

Extremities: Spasms, cramps and contraction of the muscles. Left-sided sciatica and pain in right deltoid. Crampy pains in the hip extending to the knee. Dislocation and stiffness of joints with shortening of tendons from contractures. Pain in the right thigh where the muscles and tendons feel too short with numbness.

Modalities: Worse from anger and indignation. Better from doubling up, hard pressure, warmth and lying with head bent forward.

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