It is reported to be useful in eczema, erysipelas, herpes, leprosy, neuralgia, toothache, ulcers, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It is indicated in eye and skin symptoms. Affections of antrum. Sacro-iliac and abdominal pain. Throbbing pains worse by heat. Pain in joints and ankles.
The main action of the remedy is upon eye and skin symptoms. Affections of cavities in the bones. Reduce abdominal pain and pain around hip region. Pain will be more at heat. Pain in the joints and ankles.
Head : One sided headache.
Eyes : Eyes feel large and protruded, especially right side. Burning and itching around the eyes. Worse due to warm stove. All the object will be shining of light with the left eye. Eyeball feels too large. Motion of eye leads to pain.
Nose : Burning and itching of nose with violent sneezing.
Face : swollen with eyes projecting.
Chest : Pain in the left breast. Pain from the right side of chest, pass down to arms to fingers. Cough with pain under the left breast, extending to backside of left shoulder.
Skin : Itching present with pimples. Redness all over. Due to bacterial infections. Infection of upper layer of skin. Deep sore with hard edges. Skin lesion with nerve damage. Red stripes on the skin. Itchy inflammation of the trunk and extremities.
Modalities : better at open air, scratching and by motion. Worse by touch, warmth, rest, night.