It is reported to be useful in diarrhoea, colic, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It is indicated in the gastro-intestinal sphere.
A heart tonic. It increases the energy of heart’s action and renders it more regular. It will be useful when the ventricles are over distended and dilatation begins, when there is an absence of compensatory hypertrophy. Used when a wound on the leg or ankle caused by abnormal or damaged veins. Weak arteries. Swelling present
Mind: Dull intellect. Feels intense sorrow. Uncontrolled emotions. Irritable.
Head: Dull headache; worse, ascending, hawking. Scalp sensitive.
Face: Itching on the nose and lips; raw and sore. Bleeding from the nose. Sees imaginary gray spot about three inches square.
Mouth: unpleasant of teeth in the morning. Copper taste in mouth. Tongue feels sore and scalded; broad and thick with a heavy, dirty coating.
Throat: Raw feeling at the back of throat when inspiring.
Abdomen: Sensitive. Clothes feel too tight. Gurgling and pain on taking a deep breath. Movements in the abdomen like the list of a child. Colicky pains.
Urinary: Aching in the bladder; feels distended. Frequent urination; offensive; scanty urine.
Female: Great soreness in the uterine region, with sympathetic palpitations of the heart. Pain in the low back , running down the leg. Itching at the point where urine exist in males and females.
Respiratory: Chest congestion. Discomfort when breathing while lying down. Sensation of heat in the throat. Difficult in breathing while walking.
Heart: Sensation as if the heart beats throughout the chest. Infection in the heart lining. Sensations as if the heart ceased to beat, then starts very suddenly. Palpitations from the least exertion. Chemicals in tobacco smoke harm heart cells, especially when due to cigarettes. Chest pain due to reduced blood flow to heart. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.
Back and Extremities: Pain and aching in lumbar region; aching in legs; in the big toe (gout). Trembling of hands. Aching in the wrists and ankles.
Fever: Chills beginning and extending down the back, followed by fever and a little sweat. Thirst and headache during chill. Difficult in breathing during fever.
Modalities: Better in open air. Worse in a warm room.