Crataegus oxyacantha CH is a heart tonic and indicated in cases of heart troubles, low blood pressure, insomnia, anemia, oedema, aortic insufficiencies, arteriosclerosis, etc.

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Product Details

Crataegus oxyacantha CH is a heart tonic and indicated in cases of heart troubles, low blood pressure, insomnia, anemia, oedema, aortic insufficiencies, arteriosclerosis, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homeopathic physicians.

It is indicated remedy for giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and reduction in blood pressure. Acts on the heart, muscles and is a cardiac tonic. Myocarditis. Failing compensation. Irregularity of the heart. Sleeplessness in aortic sufferers; less haemoglobin in blood; swelling of foot; cutaneous chilliness. High arterial tension. Is a sedative in cross, irritable patients with cardiac symptoms.

Chronic heart disease, with extreme weakness. Very feeble and irregular heart action. Generalised swelling. Very nervous with pain at the back of head and neck. Collapse of typhoid. Bleeding from intestines. Cold extremities, yellowish discolouration of skin; irregular pulse and breathing. Painful sensation of pressure on the left side of chest, below the clavicle. breathlessness and nervous prostration with heart failure. In the beginning of heart disease, after joint pains. Arteriosclerasis. Said to have asolvent power on the crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries.

Head: Apprehensive, despondent. Very nervous and irritable, with pain at the back of head and neck. Mental dullness, conjunctival irritation and nasal discharges.

Urinary: Presence of sugar in urine, especially in children.

Heart: Swelling of heart. Fatty degeneration. Aortic disease. Extreme breathlessness on least exertion, without a marked increase in pulse. Pain in the region of heart and under the left clavicle. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. Cough. Heart dilated first sound weak. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent valvular murmurs,Chest pain. Cutaneous chilliness, Bluish discolouration of fingers and toes; worse by exertion or excitement. Sustains heart in infectious diseases.

Sleep: Sleeplessness in aortic patients.

Skin: Excessive perspiration. Skin eruptions.

Modalities: Worse, in a warm room. Better; fresh air, quiet and rest.

Dose: Fluid extract or tincture, one to fifteen drops. Must be used for some time in order to obtain good results.

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