It is reported to be useful in angina pectoris, asthma, cardialgia, convulsions, dyspnoea, epilepsy, gout, meningitis, paralysis, pneumonia, psoriasis, whooping-cough, etc.

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Product Details

It is valuable remedy in spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions, beginning in fingers and toes, violent, contractive, and intermittent pain, Chorea brought on by fright. Nausea greater than in any other remedy. In epilepsy, aura begins at knees, ascends to hypogastrium.

It is mainly indicated for spasmodic affections, cramps, involuntary movements, convulsions which begins in the fingers and toes and epileptic attacks with great nausea. The aura begins at knees, then ascends to the lower abdomen followed by unconsciousness, foaming, and falling. The symptoms appear with marked periodicity. It is also useful in cases of worm infestations.

Head: Complaints from fright. Very sad with fixed ideas, malicious and morose. Sensation of emptiness in the head. Contusions, redness and swelling of head with convulsions. Inflammation of meninges with bruised pain in the head and eyes. Dizziness accompanies most of the complaints where the head falls forward on chest.

Eyes: Bruised pain in and over the eyes with staring pupils and sunken eyes. Pupils turned upwards, crossed eyes and rolling of eyeballs when closing the eyes.

Mouth: Metallic taste in the mouth with flow of slimy saliva. Paralysis and spasms of tongue with constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue. Difficult speech with stammering.

Stomach: Attacks of hiccough precedes the spasms. Violent and persistent nausea with vomiting, colic and diarrhea relieved by drinking cold water. Gurgling sounds in the throat and oesophagus when drinking water. Desire for cold water with strong metallic taste in the mouth and throat.

Extremities: Involuntary jerking and twitching of muscles with coldness of hands. Sudden cramps in palms, calves and soles with great weakness of limbs. Epileptic attacks where the aura begins in knees. Clonic spasms which begins in the fingers and toes.
Modalities: Worse before menses, from vomiting and touch. Better during perspiration and drinking cold water.

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