It is reported to be useful in chlorosis, climacteric, coryza, diplopia, dyspepsia, hiccough, prostatitis, rheumatism, urethritis, writer’s-spasm, etc.
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Product Details
It is valuable remedy in anaemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of uterus. Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected, inducing secondary anaemia and various reflexes. Sleepiness, moroseness, and lassitude. Cough at night while asleep without waking, especially in children.
Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting; disturbed digestion with very salty saliva. Anemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of the uterus. Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected, inducing secondary anemia and various reflexes. Sleepiness, moroseness and lassitude. Cough at night. While asleep without waking, especially in children.
Mind: Terrors of conscience. Grieves over neglected duty. Depression, with sobbing, desire to be alone.
Head: Aching in the morning, with flickering before the eyes. Vertigo; things turn in a circle; better in room; worse, open air. One sided headache.
Eyes: Dim vision, worse on waking up, with spots before the eyes. Flickering of various colors. Eye don?t look in same direction at same time. Sees countless stars. Double vision. Disturbance of vision, associated with gastric disturbances.
Nose: Frequent sneezing with itching in the ears.
Stomach: Salty taste hiccough like eructations worse, after fatty food, Diarrhea after every cup of coffee; hiccough. Satiety after a few mouthfuls only. Disgust for meat, especially pork. Desire for lemonade. No thirst all day,
Rectum: Pain around the anus and Perinium, as if a spot was suppurating, when walking or sitting.
Female: Menses profuse. Black, membranous, clotted. (too early With labor like pains from back to pubes. Flow less when moving around, Menstrual irregularities with migraine and blindness, or fiery spots before the eyes. Hiccough during pregnancy Post-partum bleeding with colicky bearing down pains, relief after gush of blood. After menses, swelling of breasts with milky secretion.
Extremities: Pains in parts where bones lie near the surface, Burning, sore pain in the heels. Cramp-like contractions in the right thumb and index finger. Pains in the dense layer of connective tissue which connects the bones. Skin sore due to cold temperature.
Skin: Acne in young women, Severe itching on skin better scratching and by appearance of menses.
Modalities: Worse, open air, evenings, sitting, standing, and cold water. Better; during menstrual flow, by moving around, rubbing parts; in warm room, lemonade.