It is reported to be useful in constipation, flatulence, metrorrhagia, leucorrhoea, etc.

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Product Details

It is reported to be useful in discharge of much tenacious mucus from uterus, at first brown, afterwards white; at last streaked with blood. Increase of leucorrhoea with distressing tenesmus and painful erosion of genitals.

Comes into play in all diseases where the heart is primarily involved, where the pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow, and dropsy of external and internal parts. Weakness and dilatation of the Muscles of heart. Its greatest indication is in failure of compensation and especially when auricular fibrillation has set in. Slow pulse in recumbent posture, but irregular on sitting up. Heart upper chamber beats too quick and rapid heart rate causes poor blood flow especially when subsequent to rheumatic fever. Heart block, very slow pulse. Other symptoms of organic heart disease, such as great weakness and sinking of strength, faintness, coldness of skin, and irregular respiration; cardiac irritability and ocular troubles after tobacco; jaundice from induration and hypertrophy of the liver, frequently call for Digitalis. Jaundice with heart disease. Faint, as if dying. Bluish appearance of face. Cardiac muscular failure when cardiac arrest is present. Stimulates the heart’s muscles, increases force of systole, increases length. Prostration from slight exertion. Collapse.

Mind: Despondency; fearful; anxious about the future. Dullness of sense. Every shock strikes in epigastrium. Melancholia, dull lethargic with slow pulse.

Head: Vertigo, when walking and on rising, in cardiac and hepatic affections. Sharp, shooting frontal pain, extending into nose, after drinking cold water or eating icecream. Heaviness of head, with sensation as if it would fall backward. Face bluish. Confusion, fullness and noise in head. Cracking sounds during a nap. Blue tongue and lips.

Eyes: Blueness of eyelids. Dark bodies, like flies, before eyes. Perception of shades of green. Objects, appear green and yellow. Dilated pupils; lid margins red, swollen, agglutinated in morning. Detachment of retina. Dim vision, irregular pupils, double vision.

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