It is reported to be useful in acne, angina pectoris, colic, cramps, dysentery, dyspepsia, gastralgia, haemorrhoids, lumbago, neuralgia, paronychia, renal colic, rheumatism, sciatica, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in pain, especially colic, and in severe, painful affections of abdominal and pelvic viscera.
It is a remedy for many kinds of pain, weak digestion, flatulence, colic, gallstone and affections of abdominal and pelvic organs.
Stomach: Dryness of mouth with bitter taste and coated tongue in the morning without thirst. Excessive flatulence with frequent hiccoughs and eructations of large quantities of gas. Empty feeling in the stomach with neuralgic pains and heartburns. Sharp pains in the epigastrium extending to the arms.
Abdomen: Shifting pains in the abdomen with rumbling in the intestines and emission of flatus. Cutting pains in the lower abdomen, with intermittent pain in stomach and small intestines. Colicky pains radiate from abdomen, to back, chest and arms. Sharp shooting pains from liver, radiating upwards to right nipple. Shooting pain from gall bladder to chest, back, and arms and renal extending to thighs.
Heart: Pain in the chest behind the sternum extending into the arms with labored breathing and weak action of the heart.
Rectum: Excessive hot and offensive flatus. Haemorrhoids which looks like a bunch of grapes that protrudes after stool with sharp pains in the anus. Loose stools in the morning with hot burning stools followed by extreme prostration.
Male: Cold and relaxed parts with sexual weakness and nightly emissions. Pain radiates from kidneys to the testicles with offensive sweat on scrotum and pubes.
Modalities: Worse from evening and night, lying down, and doubling up. Better from standing erect, motion, in open air and pressure.