It is reported to be useful in croup, diphtheria, myelitis, paralysis, etc.
176.00 220.00 20% OFF
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in catarrhal affections of respiratory organs, scrofulous individuals. Diphtheria, laryngeal diphtheria, post-diphtheritic paralysis.
Adapted to patients prone to catarrhal affections of respiratory organs, scrofulous individuals. Infections of nose and throat, laryngeal infection, post-infection paralysis. Malignancy from the start. Glands swollen; tongue red, swollen; breath and discharge very offensive. Diphtheritic; membrane thick, dark. Nose bleed; profound prostration. Swallows without pain, but fluids are vomited or returned by the nose.
Dosage: Please note that the dosage of single homoeopathic medicines varies from drug to drug depending upon the condition, age, sensitivity and other things. In some cases they are given as regular doses as 3-5 drops 2-3 times a day whereas in other cases they are given only once in a week, month or even in a longer period. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.