it is indicated in cases of diarrhea, joint pains, warts and ulcers. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

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Product Details

Dulcamara CH is useful in complaints arising from damp wet weather especially for affections of skin, glands, joints and digestive system. it is indicated in cases of diarrhea, joint pains, warts and ulcers. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is indicated in affections of skin, glands, and digestive organs, mucous membranes and joints. The complaints are aggravated in damp, cold weather. Skin eruptions of various forms, paralysis of single parts, congestive headache, with neuralgia and dry nose are some of the other indications.

Urine: Painful urination from inflammation of bladder in cold weather. Urine contains thick, mucous, purulent sediment.

Female: Painful menses with soreness and enlargement of breasts, increased sexual desire and rashes on skin. Suppressed menses from cold, damp weather.

Respiratory: Spasmodic cough with loose expectoration caused by tickling in the larynx. Paroxysmal attacks of cough with hoarseness of voice and excessive secretion of mucus. The complaints are worse during cold, wet weather. Dyspnea with loose, rattling cough worse from wet weather and physical exertion.

Extremities: Rheumatic affections of the joints, followed by acute skin eruptions and alternating with diarrhea. Numbness and paralysis of the limbs with icy coldness of feet. Increased perspiration on palms of hands.

Skin: Inflammation and induration of lymph glands. Intense itching of the skin, which gets worse in cold wet weather. Vesicular and bulbous eruptions filled with fluids, boils, bleeding ulcers, rashes, red spots, large smooth warts especially on face and palms and eczematous eruptions on scalp with severe itching and scales. Eruptions on the scalp with thick, brown-yellow crusts, which bleeds when scratched.

Modalities: Worse at night, from cold, damp, rainy weather. Better from moving about, warmth.

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