It is reported to be useful in cystitis, dropsy, enuresis,? paralysis, haematuria, retension of urine, etc.
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Product Details
It is reported to be useful in dull pain and feeling of fullness in bladder, not relieved by urinating. Frequent urging with severe pain at the close of urination. Urine flows only drop by drop. Sharp, burning, cutting pain in urethra while urinating.
Mind: Very irritable and easily fatigued
Head: Severe headache with intense pain in upper part of eyes or roof of orbit. Headache with heat of face without redness. Constrictive feeling across forehead. Sticking, darting pains changing locality. Constriction of whole scalp, as if drawn tightly over whole skull, continual desire to wrinkle up forehead. Skin over frontal bone very tight, with feeling of skin continuing to contract.
Eyes: Severe pain in roof of right orbit. Sharp pain in outer angle of right eye.
Ears: Dull, transient pain and stiff feeling behind left cheek. Confused feeling in ears. Confusion of sounds, confused noises, fearful rumbling.
Face: Face flushed, feeling of heat. As if blood pressed into face. Heat and burning without redness.
Throat: Sharp sticking in throat.
Stomach: Excessive hunger, appetite greatly increased throughout the proving.
Abdomen: Distended feeling. Dull, heavy pains in either side of lower abdomen and bladder, with frequent desire to urinate, the desire to urinate, which is constant, is not better by urinating. Slight pain in bowels with desire for stool, not urgent, early in morning, three stools during the morning, quite thin, during the whole day frequent inclination for stool with slight pain in bowels, no diarrhea. Severe pain in lower abdomen with passage of fetid flatus. Sharp pain in upper part of abdomen with sticking-like pains in anus (11 AM). Sharp pains on either side of upper part of abdomen, extending to middle line.
Urinary Organs: Slight pain in right kidney, then in left, extending down left side of sacrum. Dull pain in right kidney, with urgent desire to urinate, had urinated only a few minutes before and now passed four ounces of clear light-colored urine. Pain in bladder as from distension. Severe dull pain in bladder not better by urinating, continued some days after taking the drug, and caused him to fear inflammation of the bladder. Tenderness in region of bladder, and right side of lower abdomen, extending upward from groin, same but less marked left side. Pain and tenderness in bladder region with soreness of testicles, extending up spermatic cords. Excessive burning in urethra while urinating. Sharp, cutting pain in urethra. Pricking in urethra a short distance back from opening of penis. Biting itching in meatus (opening of penis) worse scratching. Great desire to urinate but only a small quantity passes. Urgent desire to urinate with prickling and soreness of meatus from contact and pressure. Obliged to rise several times at night to urinate. Profuse urination, with burning in urethra and sharp pain at root of penis. Later passes smaller quantities and darker. Passed small amount but felt as if he had not urinated for hours, the amount grew less each time but the desire increased.