It helps in cases of weakness and debility along with a state of mental and physical depression.

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Product Details

It is one of the commonly used remedies in cases of vertigo and headaches resulting from exposure to the sun. It is also helpful in cases of frequent fainting and in cases of fevers with great chills and a lack of thirst along with severe backache. It helps the patient regain vitality and become more active and aware especially after prolonged illnesses

This remedy mainly acts upon the nervous system and is indicated for varying degrees of motor paralysis. It is indicated for the restriction of movements and lack of coordination of various groups of muscles in and around the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, sphincter, extremities, etc.

Head: Headache with heaviness of the head with a sensation of band around the forehead. Occipital headache with vertigo, heaviness of eyelids and bruised feeling. Soreness of the scalp, muscles of neck and shoulders. Aching in the temples, extending to ears, nose and chin. Headache relieved by urination.

Eyes: Partial paralysis of the eyelids with heaviness, blurred, smoky and double vision. Dimness of vision with dilated pupils and insensitivity to light. Neuralgic pains in the orbit and muscles of the eyeball with bruised pain, contraction and twitching of muscles. Inflammation of vitreous and retina with increased pressure inside the eyeball.

Throat: Sore throat, loss of voice and inflammation of tonsils with difficulty in swallowing especially of warm food. Pain from the throat shoots into the ear with itching and tickling in soft palate and pharynx. Pain behind the ears, at the back of parotid.
Heart: Constricted feeling in the heart with palpitation, slow pulse which gets accelerated on motion. Weakness of heart with slow pulse of old age.

Fever: Violent shaking of the body with chills running up and down the back. Long and exhausting stages of heat and sweat. Fever with muscular soreness, great prostration, and violent headache.

Modalities: Worse, damp weather, fog, before a thunderstorm, emotion, or excitement, bad news, tobacco-smoking, when thinking of his ailments; at 10 am. Better, bending forward, by profuse urination, open air, continued motion, stimulants.

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