Lachrymation during headache pressing pain in eyeballs esp. looking upwards and to the rt.

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Product Details

It is recognised throughout the world as a beneficial medicine for the problems associated with aging. It has a record of curing many geriatric problems since early in human history and is a clinical remedy in Homoeopathy. An attempt is made to verify the clinical symptoms and add a few more. An extensive proving is needed to bring out many more beneficial utilities of the drug.

Head: with vertigo Headache with tears aggraavated cold, open air Headache ameliorated by rest.

Eye: Lachrymation during headache pressing pain in eyeballs esp. looking upwards and to the rt. Side with dim vision Useful in diabetic retinopathy Useful in hypertensive retinopathy neuralgia over the right eye .

Nose: Nose blockage during cold running nose early.

Ear: Reduced hearing blocking of both ears Tinnitus.

Mouth: Ulcers at mouth with burning excessive salivation or dryness of mouth, coated tongue esp. towards base, angular stomatitis (painful swelling and sore in mouth).

Face: Neuralgic pain in right.of the face, cracks and fissures in lips herpetic eruptions around mouth.

Throat: Burning sore throat dryness of throat difficulty in swallowing. swelling of the parotids.

Stomach: Anorexia(eating disorder causes obesity) with slight discomfort in upper part of abdomen with nausea and eructation.

Abdomen: Fullness of abdomen discomfort in lower part of abdomen cramping, griping pain in hypochondria.

Chest: Constrictive pain in pericardium radiating to left arm with numbness.

Respiration: Cough with difficulty in breathing and difficult expectoration of the mucus.

Extremities: Stiffness of neck and back with crackling sounds on movement bruised pain in lumbar region as if beaten trembling of both hands and legs icy coldness of both feet cramps in calf muscles numbness of part laid on Paresthesia of palms and soles.

Gental Organs: Decrease urine output. Diuretic pain in urethra before and during urination Incontinence of urine impotency prostatic enlargement discharge of prostatic fluid.

Skin: Dryness of skin with cracks & fissures herpetic eruptions with itching.

Sleep: Sleep disturbance between 2-3 AM gets up late in the morning with un-refreshed sleep Dreams of animals, insects, dead bodies , floods, robbers etc.

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