It is a very useful remedy in migraine with an inclination to vomit. The eyelids appear red and swollen and there is dryness of the lids.

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It is a very useful remedy in migraine with an inclination to vomit. The eyelids appear red and swollen and there is dryness of the lids. There is a peculiar symptom of music causing weeping. There is a great aversion to meat, sweets, etc. It is suitable for inguinal hernia especially when tight clothing seems intolerable around the abdomen. The menses are delayed and leucorrhoea is white, burning and gushing. It is also a good remedy for gall stones.

It is indicated for anemia, weakness, tendency to obesity, swelling of genitals, profuse leucorrhea, in treating scar tissue, indurations of glands.

Ears: Defects in hearing with dryness of inner ear. Noises like hissing and cracking sounds in ears when chewing. Fissures and moist eruptions behind the ears. Can hear better in noise. Tympanic membrane covered by thin scaly membrane like exfoliated epithelium.

Stomach: Dislikes meat and sweets. Nausea and vomiting after eating and during menses. Sensation of constriction in the abdomen with pressure, and burning in stomach with increased appetite. Pain and bloating of abdomen with difficult eructations.

Female: Morning sickness, cough, hoarseness and constipation during menses. Too late, pale and scanty, with tearing pain and itching in epigastrium. Pale, thin, profuse, acrid, white discharge from vagina with great weakness in back. Breasts, ovaries and uterus swollen, hard and indurated which leads to loss of interest in sexual intercourse.

Extremities: Spinal affections with pain in the nape of neck, shoulders, back and limbs. Difficulty and discomfort during walking due to excoriation from friction of thighs. Numbness of hands and arms with thick, black, and rough nails. Swelling of lower limbs with stiffness and contraction of toes. The nails are brittle, deformed, painful, sore, thick, and crippled. Inflammation with cracks and fissures in ends of the fingers.

Skin: Dryness of skin which feels hard and rough. It is indicated for keloid, fibroma, pimples and eruptions with sticky exudation. Soreness and rawness in the folds of limbs, groins, neck and behind the ears. Suppuration of least injuries with slow healing such as ulcers, cracks, raised reddish plaques and boils. Inflammation and induration of glands with gouty nodosities.

Modalities: Worse from warmth, at night, during and after menstruation. Better in the dark and from wrapping up.

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