It is one of the good remedy for infections of respiratory tract and skin. It is effective in the treatment of colds, coughs and sore throats. The cough is croupy.

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Product Details

It is one of the good remedy for infections of respiratory tract and skin. It is effective in the treatment of colds, coughs and sore throats. The cough is croupy. It also hastens suppuration and helps in healing wounds. It cures the cut wounds, abscesses and ear infections. It is also effective in inflammatory conditions like arthritis, conjunctivitis and sinusitis. It is a good remedy for herpes and candida infection. It has a characteristic symptom of over sensitiveness.

It has a marked action on the respiratory mucous membrane and skin. It is indicated in cases of chronic infection of lungs and sinuses with profuse secretion, glandular affections and skin problems with tendency to suppuration.

Nose: Soreness of nostrils with inflammation and congestion. Attack of sneezing with running from nose, later, thick, offensive discharge. Nose stopped up every time he goes out into cold air.

Throat: Sensation as if a plug and of a splinter in throat. Abscess on tonsils with impending suppuration. Painful stitches in throat extending to the ear when swallowing and hawking up of mucus.

Male: Small reddish vesicular eruptions which are sensitive and bleed easily. Ulcers on the prepuce, figwarts, itching of glans penis, and scrotum. Swelling of inguinal glands with suppuration. Soreness of the genitals and between scrotum and thigh.

Respiratory: Spasmodic coughs when exposed to dry, cold wind with hoarseness or loss of voice. Dry, hoarse cough excited on exposure to cold or uncovering or from eating anything cold. Laryngitis with loose, rattling and choking cough. Wheezing respiration worse in dry cold air with palpitation of heart.

Skin: Skin abscesses, suppurating glands, papules prone to suppurate, acne and pimples in youth. Skin lesions which suppurate and bleed easily with pricking pains. Unhealthy skin where every little injury suppurates. Dry, chapped skin, with deep cracks on hands and feet, ulcers with bloody suppuration, sensitive cold-sores, offensive ulcers surrounded by little pimples, recurring urticarial rashes and vesicular eruptions along the course of a nerve are some of the indications of this remedy. Very sensitive to touch and cold air with profuse perspiration.

Modalities: Worse from dry cold winds, cool air, slightest draught, touch and lying on painful side. Better in damp weather, from wrapping up, from warmth and after eating.

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