Great loquacity and very suspicious, obscene, jealous and inclined to laugh at silly things. Lascivious mania where the person tries to uncover the body with great joy and often attempts to run away.
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Product Details
This remedy specifically has a great influence on the nervous system?with tremulous weakness and twitching of tendons, muscular twitching, spasmodic affections with delirium and lascivious mania.
Mind: Great loquacity and very suspicious, obscene, jealous and inclined to laugh at silly things. Lascivious mania where the person tries to uncover the body with great joy and often attempts to run away. Extreme sleepiness with low muttering speech.
Head: Sensation of falling down with head feeling light and confused as if intoxicated. Sensation as if brain is loose and shaking. Infection of brain with inflammation and loss of consciousness.
Eyes: Dilated and shining pupils with defects in the vision such as squinting and double vision. Eyes open, but dull and fixed without concentration. Spasms and twitching of the eyelids.
Mouth: Impaired speech with stiffness and spasms of jaw. Dry, cracked and reddish tongue which is protruded with difficulty with foams at mouth. Sordes of the teeth and cracking and dropping of lower jaw.
Extremities: Constant picking at things. Episodes of convulsions ad spasms ending in deep sleep. Neuralgic pains and cramps in calves and toes. Restless sleep where the child sobs and cries without waking.
Modalities: Worse at night, during menses, after eating and when lying down. Better from stooping.