It is helpful in emotional and nervous complaints such as crush injuries, shock, and nervousness. It was found useful in cases of mild to moderate depression.
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Product Details
It is helpful in emotional and nervous complaints such as crush injuries, shock, and nervousness. It was found useful in cases of mild to moderate depression. Excessive pain is a guiding symptom. The complaints are worse in foggy and damp weather, especially the asthma, in a closed room and by touch.
Specific remedy for injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes and nails. Crushed parts from injuries especially tips. Excessive painfulness is guiding. Helpful after operations, in cases of haemorrhoids, asthma and in cases of animal bites. Constant state of drowsiness is characteristic.
Mind: Mind feels lifted high in the air with anxiety of falling from a height. Makes mistakes in writing. After shock. Melancholic.
Head: Head feels heavy as if had been touched by an icy cold hand. Throbbing is felt in the vertex; which is made worse in a closed room. Head feels compressed. Pain in right side of the face. Weakness of the mind after over exertion. Pain in the face along with toothache. Falling out of hair.
Stomach: Great craving for wine. Thirsty with nausea. Tongue coated white at the base, but tip is clean. Lump is felt in the stomach.
Respiratory: Difficulty breathing made worse in foggy weather and relieved by excessive perspiration.
Skin: Profuse perspiration with sweating of scalp, made worse in the morning after sleep. Intense itching from eruptions that seem to be under the skin.
Modalities: Worse, in cold; and in dampness; in a fog; in a closed room; from least exposure; and by touch. Better, by bending head backwards.
Other symptoms found in:
- Rectum
- Back
- Extremities