Ignatia amara CH is indicated for hysterical and nervous affections with extreme emotional disturbances, effects of grief and worry, spasmodic hiccough and hysterical vomiting.

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Product Details

Ignatia amara CH is indicated for hysterical and nervous affections with extreme emotional disturbances, effects of grief and worry, spasmodic hiccough and hysterical vomiting. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is indicated for hysteric and nervous affections with extreme emotional disturbances. Effects of grief and worry, spasmodic hiccough and hysterical vomiting.

Mind: Extreme mood changes with sadness. Very melancholic, sad, tearful and always brooding and non communicative. Involuntary sighing and crying after shock, grief and disappointment.

Head: Heaviness of head with hollow feeling which gets worse from bending forwards. Pain as if a nail were driven through the temples and pinching pain over the root of nose. Headaches with congestion and rush of blood, following anger, grief, smoking or smelling tobacco.

Eyes: Weakness of the muscles of eyes with lack of coordination. Spasms of eyelids and neuralgic pain in the orbit and eyes.

Throat: Sensation of a lump in throat with frequent inclination to swallow but cannot be swallowed. Sore throat with stitches and choking sensation where the pain extend to ear. Inflammation of tonsils with crypts and small ulcers.

Female: Flow black, too early, too profuse, or scanty. Great prostration and spasmodic pains during menses. Frigidity in females and suppressed desire from worries and grief.

Modalities: Worse in the morning, open air, after meals, coffee, smoking, liquids, warmth. Better during eating and change of position.

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