It is also a very useful remedy in glandular enlargements such as adenoids, lymphadenopathies, goiter, hydrocele, etc.

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Product Details

It is of great use in diseases accompanied by loss of flesh despite having a great appetite. All complaints are better after eating and in cold air. There is also great debility but restlessness at rest which keeps the person always on the move without any definite aim. It is also a very useful remedy in glandular enlargements such as adenoids, lymphadenopathies, goiter, hydrocele, etc. It is also of use in characteristic heart symptoms such as sensation as if the heart were squeezed by an iron hand and palpitations from the least exertion.

Rapid metabolism is characteristic with loss of flesh and a great appetite. Increased appetite and thirst. Generally better after eating. Affections of the glands. Craving for cold air. Weakness and loss of breath on climbing.

Mind: Cannot remain quiet, else become anxious. Sudden violent impulses. Has to remain busy. Fearful with suicidal tendency.

Head: Rushing of blood to the head with throbbing and sensation of a tight band around the head. Vertigo made worse by stooping and in a warm room. Congestive headaches.

Nose: Frequent and sudden sneezing. Hot discharge from nose with heat of skin. Nose feels stopped up with loss of sense of smell. Nasal blockage associated with high blood pressure.

Stool: Bleeding during stool. Whitish stool. Complaints better by drinking cold milk.

Female: Very weak during menses. .Irregular menses. Leucorrhea corrodes the inners, mammary glands shrivel up.

Respiratory: Hoarseness. Has to grasp the throat when coughing. Sputum streaked with blood. Cough with palpitations. Craving of cold air. Difficulty breathing. Weakness of the chest.

Other symptoms seen in:

  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Throat
  • Abdomen
  • Male
  • Skin

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