It helps in cases of vomiting and nausea with irritability and crushing types of pains. It is also of use in cases of conjunctivitis, keratitis, hypermetropia, gastic ulcers, goiter and menorrhagia.
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Product Details
It helps in cases of vomiting and nausea with irritability and crushing types of pains. It is also of use in cases of conjunctivitis, keratitis, hypermetropia, gastic ulcers, goiter and menorrhagia. There is excessive salivation with a clean tongue which is its characteristic feature. The stool is green and appears like frothy molasses.
The chief action of the remedy is on the pneumo-gastric nerve with spasmodic irritation in chest and stomach, persistent nausea and vomiting especially after indigestible food, raisins, cakes, etc. Spasmodic affections of chest and stomach with bright red and profuse haemorrhages.
Stomach: Clean tongue with moist mouth and increased secretion of saliva. Persistent nausea and vomiting of food, bile, blood and mucus. Face pale and tired, but stomach feels relaxed and loose with spasmodic hiccough.
Abdomen: Painful dysentery with severe tenesmus, nausea from straining and decreasd thirst. Severe, sharp, cutting and clutching pain around the umbilicus.
Stools: Dark green stools like grass or frothy molasses, with griping pains at the umbilicus. Dysentery with much slimy mucus.
Female: Profuse and early menses with bright red bleeding and nausea. Pain extends from umbilicus to the uterus. Morning sickness of pregnancy.
Respiratory: Difficult breathing with constant sensation of constriction in chest. Periodical attacks of asthma with constant sneezing, coryza and wheezing cough. Uncontrollable spasmodic cough with every breath. Much mucus in the chest with wheeze and rales. Suffocative cough with blue face, nosebleed, and bloody sputum. Haemorrhage from lungs, with nausea, constriction, loss of voice and rattling cough.
Fever: Relapsing and intermittent fever from improper food. Least chills with more heat, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea.
Modalities: Worse from veal, moist warm wind, lying down.