Kali carbonicum CH is one of the best remedies for females following labor. It is indicated to prevent miscarriage and weakness, tendency to dropsy, chronic lung infections, fatty degenerations, twitching of muscles, thyroid disorders, coxitis and general depression, etc.
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Product Details
Kali carbonicum CH is one of the best remedies for females following labor. It is indicated to prevent miscarriage and weakness, tendency to dropsy, chronic lung infections, fatty degenerations, twitching of muscles, thyroid disorders, coxitis and general depression, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians
It is one of the best remedies for females following labor. It is indicated to prevent miscarriage and weakness, tendency to dropsy, chronic lung infections, fatty degenerations, twitching of muscles, thyroid disorders, coxitis and general depression.
Nose: Blockage of nose especially in warm room. Nasal discharges thick, profuse and yellowish in color with post-nasal dropping. Raw and sore nostrils with bloody nasal mucus and crusts on the wings of nose. Nostrils ulcerated and bleeding from the nose while washing the face in the morning.
Mouth: Detachment of teeth from the gums with pustular discharges. Mouth ulcers with offensive taste and slimy saliva. Increased salivation with white tongue.
Throat: Dryness of throat with parched and rough sensation. Sticking pain in the throat as from a fish-bone. Dysphagia where the food goes down the oesophagus very slowly.
Female: Too early and profuse or too late and scanty, with soreness of the parts. Pains extends from back down to the buttocks with cutting pain in the abdomen. Pain from the genitalia extends through the abdomen to the chest. Absence or delayed menses in young girls with difficult, first menses. Complaints following childbirth.
Back: Great weakness and prostration with stiffness and paralytic feeling in the back. Painful stitches in the region of kidneys and right scapula. Heat and burning along the spine. Severe pain in the back during pregnancy, and after miscarriage. Pain in the buttocks, thighs and hip-joint from affection of hip joints.
Modalities: Worse after coition, cold weather; from soup and coffee, early morning, lying on painful side. Better, in warm weather, during the day and moving about.