Kali iodatum CH is indicated for sinusitis, glandular affections, purpura and haemorrhagic conditions, skin diseases such as oral thrush, ringworms, respiratory infections, rheumatism, etc.

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Product Details

Kali iodatum CH is indicated for sinusitis, glandular affections, purpura and haemorrhagic conditions, skin diseases such as oral thrush, ringworms, respiratory infections, rheumatism, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

Clinically it is indicated for profuse, watery and acrid coryza, affections of frontal sinus with heaviness and headaches, glandular swellings, purpura and rheumatic complaints of neck, back, feet, especially heels and soles.

Head: Violent headache with pain in the sides of the head and at the temples. Hard lumps and nodes on the scalp with intense pain over the eyes and root of the nose. Sensation as if the brain has enlarged in size with heaviness. Neuralgic pains in the face with lancinating pain in the upper jaw.

Nose: Congestion of the nose with redness and swelling with profuse, acrid, hot, watery, thin discharge. Perforated nasal septum with fetid discharges. Inflammation of nasal mucosa and frontal sinus with violent sneezing, stuffiness and dryness of nose, without discharge or profuse, greenish discharges.

Respiratory: Spasmodic cough in the morning from pulmonary oedema. Inflammation and congestion of larynx with rawness and oedema. The discharges are frothy and greenish. Chronic lung infections with stitching pains through lungs to back. Dyspnea on climbing the stairs with pain in heart. It is useful in treating fluid and gas accumulation in the lungs and thorax.

Extremities: Affection of fibrous and connective tissues especially bones and joints with severe bone-pains. Thickening of the periosteum especially tibia and is very sensitive to touch. Joint pains at night and in damp weather. Painful contraction of the joints. Pain in the knee joints with synovial effusions. Pain in the back, coccyx and in hip, forcing the person to limp. Neuralgic pains extends from back to thighs which is worse at night and lying on affected side.

Skin: It is indicated in various skin problems such as discolorations worse on legs, acne, boils, enlarged and indurated glands, hives, nodules, etc. Anal fissures of infants. Dropsical conditions of eyelids, mouth and uvula.
Modalities: Worse from warmth, at night and damp weather. Better from motion and open air.

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