Helpful in cases of respiratory troubles. Aids in removing sudden swelling all over the body. Gastric troubles with much weakness are often helped by this remedy
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Product Details
Helpful in cases of respiratory troubles. Aids in removing sudden swelling all over the body. Gastric troubles with much weakness are often helped by this remedy
Head: Head feels very sensitive. Pain in head with vertigo, sensation of falling to the right side. Worse by stooping.
Stool: Thin stools like water accompanied by blood in them. Pain in abdomen with loose stools.
Female: Early and profuse menses, black in color. Backache before menses. Discharge from the vagina between menses. .
Respiratory: Hoarse throat with cough without expectoration especially in the morning. Pain in chest with expectoration accompanied by blood. Difficulty in breathing with nausea. Thirsty but is unable to drink water during an attack of breathlessness. Sensation of constriction in the chest. .
Extremities:Stitching pains between the shoulders. Tearing pains in shoulders and in joints. Hands seem swollen.
Other symptoms seen in:
1. Eyes
2. Nose
3. Mouth
4. Chest
Modalities:Worsetowards the morning and in afternoon.