Kalium phosphoricum is a widely used remedy for nervous troubles such as nervous exhaustion, stress and sleeplessness. It is useful in combating mental and physical fatigue. It is also a remedy for headaches, migraine, anxiety and muscle weakness.
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Product Details
It is one of the greatest nerve remedies in homoeopathy. It is useful in marked nervous prostration, disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression, gangrenous conditions, suspected malignant tumors and delayed labor.
Head: Pain in the occipital region after rising. Dizzy feeling from lying down, on standing up, from sitting, and when looking upward. It is indicated for headache of students from fatigue with weary, empty, gone sensation at the stomach.
Eyes: Dimness and weakness of sight with loss of perceptive power after exhausting fevers and infection of throat. Weakness of muscles of the eyelids with drooping.
Mouth: Offensive, fetid breath from mouth with dryness and brown coated tongue. Pain in the teeth with spongy, retracting and bleeding gums.
Female: Too late or too scanty or too profuse discharge of dark, thin and non-coagulating bleeding with offensive odor. It is indicated when the labor pains are feeble and ineffectual.
Extremities: Numbness and lameness in back and extremities which gets worse from exertion. Neuralgic pains, with depression followed by exhaustion.
Modalities: Worse from excitement, worry, mental and physical exertion, eating, cold, early morning. Better from warmth, rest, nourishment.