It is of great use in complaints accompanied by great loquacity, jealousy and bluish discoloration of parts. It is also helpful in cases of apoplexy, Menier’s disease, aphthae, gastric ulcers, jaundice, mastitis, laryngismus, sleep apnoea, cervical spondylitis, echhymosis, wens, cellulitis, etc. All complaints are worse after sleep and better by hot application.

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Product Details

It is very useful in treating climacteric troubles, skin complaints with easy suppuration, purpura, septic states, haemorrhages, diphtheria, and delirious state of mind.

Mouth: Swollen, spongy and bleeding gums, and swollen tongue which burns, trembles and is red, dry, cracked at the tip. Mouth sores and ulcers with nausea, burning and rawness. Teeth ache and pain in facial bones extending to ears.

Throat: Sore throat and congestion worse on the left side and when swallowing liquids. Abscess of the tonsils with inflammation of parotid glands. Membranous exudation on the throat which is dusky, blackish and painful and worse from hot drinks. Thick sticky mucus with chronic sore throat and frequent hawking. Painful congestion with purplish tonsils and throat worse from swallowing saliva or liquids.

Female: Complaints during menopause with anxiety, palpitation, flashes of heat, haemorrhages, headaches and dizziness. Too short and too feeble menstrual flow. Inflammation and induration of left ovary and mammary glands. Pain in the coccyx and sacrum when rising from sitting posture.

Heart: Violent palpitation with dizziness during menopausal stages. Oppression of chest with constricted feeling, palpitation and anxiety. Bluish discoloration of skin and irregular heartbeats.

Skin: Blueness of skin with hot perspiration and purple discolouration. It is indicated in cases of skin problems with tendency to suppuration, such as boils, carbuncles, ulcers with bluish purple surroundings, dark blisters, bed-sores with black edges, dissecting wounds, purpura, erysipelas, cysts, cellulitis and varicose ulcers.

Modalities: Worse after sleep, during sleep, left side, in spring, warm bath, pressure or constriction and hot drinks. Better from discharges and warm applications.

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