Characterized by an increase in reflexes and a dullness in sensation of pain. Weakness of lower limbs. Useful after exhausting acute diseases that cause weakness and fatigue.

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Product Details

Characterized by an increase in reflexes and a dullness in sensation of pain. Weakness of lower limbs. Useful after exhausting acute diseases that cause weakness and fatigue. Sleepiness with constant yawning.

Mind:Depressed feeling. Vertigo on standing worse when eyes are closed.

Mouth: Severe pain at the tip of the tongue of a burning nature with tingling and numbness. Lips and tongue feel scalded.

Extremities: Numbness of finger tips. Unstable gait. Rigidity of legs with knocked knees when walking. Cramps of feet worse by exposure to cold. Unable to cross legs on sitting. Emaciation of muscles of the lower limbs. Legs appear blue and swollen especially when hanging down. Calves feel tense. Unable to sit straight.

Urine: Increased frequency of urination.

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