Most useful in cases of female pelvic troubles. Mostly indicated in cases of unmarried girls. Marked action on the symptoms of the heart as well.
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Most useful in cases of female pelvic troubles. Mostly indicated in cases of unmarried girls. Marked action on the symptoms of the heart as well. Pain in a small spot is characteristic. Pain in joints with fever and tenderness.
Mind: Tormented about her salvation. Trying to console the patient brings about an aggravation. Depression of a high degree cannot help but weep. Anxiety with fear of an incurable disease. Curses and swears and strikes at things. Aimlessly hurried, has to remain busy.
Head: Heat of head with dullness and heaviness. Faints in a warm room. Head feels wild and beyond control.
Eyes: Redness of eyes. Pain going into the back of the head. Watering of eyes impairing vision. Useful in cases of weakened eye muscles.
Stomach: Flatulence with nausea and a sensation of lump in the stomach. Desire for meat. Increased thirst.
Abdomen: Soreness of abdomen with distension. Pressure extending downwards against rectum and the anus. Symptoms worse by standing and better by walking in open air. Bearing down pains in the lower part of abdomen.
Urinary: Increased urgency for urination. Urine milky but scanty and hot.
Stool: Constant desire to pass stool. Urgency to stool early in the morning. Loose stool with much mucus and blood in it. Diarrhea in menopausal women.
Heart: Feels as if the heart were tightly grasped. Sensation as if the heart would burst. Palpitations with a very rapid pulse. Pain in chest with sensation as if a load were kept on it. Cold feeling in the chest. Sensation of suffocation in a closed and warm room. Severe pain in chest with accompanying pain in the right arm.
Female: Scanty and early menses, also, dark and clotted. Bearing down sensation with urgency for stool. Sensation as if everything would escape from the pelvis. Feels better by rest. Has to support parts externally for some relief. Brown discharge with burning and itching. Heightened sexual desire. Abdomen feels bloated.
Extremities: Unable to walk on uneven ground. Pain in the back with trembling. Pain in right limbs. Unable to keep legs still form the pain. Burning of palms and soles.
Sleep: Tiredness even after sleep. Constant unpleasant dreams.
Modalities:Worse by?consolation and in a warm room.?Better in fresh air.