Lycopodium clavatum CH is a homoeopathic remedy used in the treatment of nausea, constipation, emotional problems, breathing troubles and hemorrhoids.

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Product Details

Lycopodium clavatum CH is a homoeopathic remedy used in the treatment of nausea, constipation, emotional problems, breathing troubles and hemorrhoids. It is an excellent remedy for liver problems and digestive problems such a constipation and flatulence. It is also used in the treatment of enlarged prostate, fatty liver, jaundice, renal stone, psoriasis and impotency.

It is indicated in conditions where there is extreme weakness and malnutrition, glandular affections, liver affections, inflammation of mucous membranes, loss of muscular power and uric acid diathesis. It is useful in treating kidney affections with red sand in urine and severe backache.

Mouth: Pain in the teeth with extreme sensitivity to touch and swelling of cheeks which gets better by warm application. The tongue is dry, black, cracked, swollen with blisters and sour or bitter taste. Increased salivation with offensive smell from mouth.

Throat: Inflammation and dryness of throat with pain on swallowing, without thirst. Tendency to regurgitation of food and drinks through nose. Abscess, suppuration and ulceration of tonsils. Membranous deposits on the throat which spread from right to left and is worse from cold drinks.

Stomach: Digestive troubles from starchy and fermentable food such as cabbage, beans, etc. Increased appetite with dislike to bread and craving for sweet things. Sour taste in the mouth with sour eructations and weakness of digestion. Increased appetite, eats too much with bloating of the abdomen and pressure in stomach after eating.

Abdomen: Bloating of abdomen with rumbling noises and fullness. Soreness and brown spots on the abdomen from liver affections. Inflammation of the liver with, ascites and shooting pain across the lower abdomen from right to left.

Urine: Backache before urinating which stops after flow with much straining. Incontinence with retention of urine and red sediment. Profuse and frequent urination during the night. Severe pain while urinating which makes the child cry before urinating.

Modalities: Worse on the right side, 4 to 8 pm, from heat or warm room, hot air, bed, warm applications, except throat and stomach which are better from warm drinks. Better by motion, after midnight, from warm food and drink, on getting cold, from uncovering.

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