It is widely used for the management of pain especially cramping pains as in during menses. These pains are better by heat. It is suited to persons of a tired disposition that are exhausted both mentally and physically. There is an inability to think clearly.
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Product Details
It is widely used for the management of pain especially cramping pains as in during menses. These pains are better by heat. It is suited to persons of a tired disposition that are exhausted both mentally and physically. There is an inability to think clearly. It is also a remedy for goiter. Toothaches better by hot liquids are helped by this remedy. Both flatulent and menstrual colic are greatly relieved by it.
It is one of the great anti-spasmodic remedies in homoeopathy and is indicated for muscle cramping and neuralgic pains. It is also useful in treating thyroid disorders.
Eyes: Pain in the supraorbital region especially on the right side. Profuse lachrymation, twitching of eyelids, defects in the movement and co-ordination of the eyeballs. Blurred vision with colored lights before the eyes.
Mouth: Pain in the teeth better by heat and hot liquids. Difficult dentition with ulceration of teeth, swelling of glands of face, throat and neck and swelling of tongue especially in children.
Abdomen: Pain in the stomach and intestines relieved by pressure. Colicky pain from flatulent dyspepsia and frequent eructations without any relief. Sensation of fullness in abdomen with bloating, which makes him to loosen the clothing, walk about and constantly pass flatus. Constipation due to flatulence and indigestion.
Female: Spasmodic colic during menses. Very painful menses which is too early, dark and stringy with wwelling of external parts. Neuralgic pain in the ovaries and spasmodic contraction of the vagina.
Extremities: Involuntary movements and trembling of the hands. Severe cramps in the calves and shooting sciatic pains with tenderness of feet. Twitching of muscles and titanic spasms with weakness in arms and hands. Paralysis with stiffness and numbness of finger-tips.
Modalities: Worse on the right side, cold, touch, night. Better from warmth, bending double, pressure, friction.