It is used in the treatment of infections of mouth, throat and ear and dental infections. The complaints are associated with offensive discharges like bad breath, pus, sweat, smelly urine and stool.
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Product Details
It is used in the treatment of infections of mouth, throat and ear and dental infections. The complaints are associated with offensive discharges like bad breath, pus, sweat, smelly urine and stool. The glands are swollen with infections and wounds heal and abscesses fester easily. The patient is sensitive to extremes of temperature. The symptoms are aggravated at night. The throat is sore and tonsils are inflamed. The ulcers in mouth are shallow and painful with bad taste in mouth. The ears are inflamed with offensive and bloody discharge. Teeth are decayed. The salivary glands are swollen.
Its main action is on the lymphatic system and the other spheres are the serous and mucous membranes, glands, bones, joints, etc. It is clinically indicated in cases of ulcerations of mouth and throat, falling of the hair, skin eruptions, abscesses, buboes and destructive inflammations.
Mouth: Increased salivation with sweet metallic taste in the mouth. Saliva is thick, viscid and foul smelling with coppery taste. Trembling of the tongue causing speech difficulties. Swollen, spongy and receding gums with bleeding, painful and sore on touching and chewing. Painful alveolar abscesses and caries of the teeth where the crown is affected, with looseness and sensation as if the teeth are elongated. Furrowed tongue with heavy, thick, moist coating, yellow, flabby and imprints of teeth. Tongue feels as if burnt, with ulcers and fetid odor from mouth. Moist tongue and mouth with increased thirst.
Throat: Swelling and congestion of the throat with bluish-red appearance and persistent desire to swallow. Painful and putrid sore throat with ulcers and inflammation where the pain extends to ear on swallowing. Abscess of the tonsils with suppuration causing difficulty in swallowing. Soreness and rawness of the throat with burning sensation and complete aphonia.
Male: Vesicular eruptions and ulcers on the parts with coldness and offensive, thick perspiration. Inflammation of testicles and lymph nodes of the groins. Intense itching of the prepuce with irritation and nightly emissions stained with blood.
Extremities: Weakness of limbs with excessive sweating and prostration. Severe bone-pains in the limbs which gets worse at night. Very sensitive to cold with oily perspiration. Nervous weakness of the extremities, with trembling of the hands from paralysis agitans. Oedematous swelling of feet and legs with severe pain in the joints.
Skin: Skin constantly moist with excessive, offensive and thick perspiration especially at night. Skin complaints such as vesicular and pustular eruptions, ulcers with irregular shape and undefined edges with small pimples around the main eruption. Itching, worse from warmth of bed. Thick scaly eruptions on the scalp of babies with yellowish-brown crusts. Swelling of glands during every attack of cold. Inflammation of testicles and the lymphatic nodes in the groins.
Modalities: Worse at night, wet, damp weather, lying on right side, sweating, warm room and warm bed.