The drug is associated with symptoms related to skin, bones and facial muscles majorly in teeth and face. Signs such as weary feeling in joints, stiffness, pain of several kinds with sensitivity to cold air, eruptions after vaccination, burning sensation, pain that shoots upwards and twitching of muscles are also covered.

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Product Details

It is clinically indicated for skin problems, affections of bones, joints and muscles and neuralgic pains especially of teeth and face. Bruised and tired feeling in the joints with stiffness and bone pains.

Head: Headaches worse from talking with confusion of the mind. Scaly eruptions on the scalp with white scabs and thick, leathery crusts and collection of pus underneath. Violent neuralgic pains on the face and teeth, extending to the ears especially at night. Caries of the teeth with decaying roots and sensation of elongation.

Nose: Inflammation of the glands with sneezing, coryza and excoriation of the nose.

Ears: Sensation as if tympanum was exposed to the cold air with frequent inclination to bore the fingers into the ears.

Eyes: Neuralgic headaches after eye surgery especially after removal of the eyeball. Shooting pains which radiates downward, with cold feeling and stiffness of bone.

Face: Redness of face with eruption around mouth.

Abdomen: Glandular affections with large abdomen in children. Weakness and pressure in the inguinal ring. Distension of abdomen with flatulence, shivering and difficult respiration.

Urine: Red flaky sediments in the urine with heat and burning in the urethra at the close of urination. Bloody urine with cramp like pains in the bladder.

Skin: Skin complaints with formation of thick scabs and pus underneath. Dry scaly eruptions with intolerable itching, itching and burning ulcers surrounded by vesicles and fiery-red areola. Inflammation, caries and exostosis of bones and affections of periosteum especially of long bones.

Modalities: Worse from cold air, night, evening until midnight, warm food, touch, motion. Better in the open air.

Other symptoms are also found in:

  • Stomach
  • Rectum
  • Male
  • Female?
  • Respiratory
  • Extremities

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