Naja has its action on heart and produces valvular troubles. It is indicated in hypertrophy of heart and edema.

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Naja has its action on heart and produces valvular troubles. It is indicated in hypertrophy of heart and edema. This remedy has susceptibility to cold. There is surging of blood from below upwards.

Mind: Constant brooding over imaginary troubles. Suicidal tendency. Speech is blurred. Depression. Fear of rain.

Head: Pain in the left temple and in left orbital region extending to occiput with nausea and vomiting. It is given in hay fever with dry larynx. Eyes are staring and drooping of eyelids.

Ears: There is chronic inflammation of the ear with black discharges. The discharge smells like herring brine. It produces auditory hallucinations.

Respiratory system: There is choking sensation in throat. Cough is dry and irritating with heart troubles. It is indicated in asthma beginning with nasal discharge.

Heart: Anxiety in the chest region with feeling of weight on heart. There is pain in the chest extending to the nape of neck, left shoulder and arm with anxiety. There is great fear of death associated with pain in forehead and temples. Pulse is irregular, slow and weak. It is indicated in acute and chronic inflammation of the heart. It is given in heart diseases after infectious diseases. There are palpitations of the heart.

Female: Pain in the left ovary and left groin especially in post- operative cases.

Modalities: Complaints are worse from use of stimulants and better from walking or riding in open air.

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