Opium produces insensibility of the nervous system, depression, drowsy stupor, painlessness, general sluggishness and lack of vital reactions. The complaints are accompanied by heavy stupid sleep and stertorous breathing.

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Product Details

Opium produces insensibility of the nervous system, depression, drowsy stupor, painlessness, general sluggishness and lack of vital reactions. The complaints are accompanied by heavy stupid sleep and stertorous breathing. Opium lessens the voluntary movements, contract pupil, depresses higher intellectual functions, and lessens self-control and power of concentration. It stimulates the imagination.

Mind: Complaints that originate from fear and fright. Complete loss of consciousness and inability to understand. It produces delirious state with wide open eyes.

Head: Vertigo with light headedness which is worse from fright. There is complete insensibility and no mental grasp for anything.

Eyes: Eyes are half closed and pupils contracted.

Face: The face is red, bloated, swollen and hot and looks like intoxicated.

Stomach: There is vomiting with colic and convulsions. The vomitus contains faecal matter.

Abdomen: Colic from lead poisoning and hard, bloated abdomen.

Stool: Constipation with no desire to go to stool. The stools are hard, round and black balls. Stools are involuntary.

Female: Menses suppressed from fright. It is indicated in threatened abortion and suppression of lochia from fright.

Respiratory: There is hoarse, deep snoring, rattling and stertorous breathing.

Sleep: Great drowsiness and falls into a heavy stupid sleep. It is indicated in coma.

Back and extremities: The back takes opisthotonos position. There is twitching of limbs and convulsions from light and cold.

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