It is a very helpful remedy in bleeding tendencies such as in hemophilia, hemorrhagic fevers and polyps that bleed easily on touch. It is also indicate din the case of scurvy and post operative vomiting.

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Product Details

It is a very helpful remedy in bleeding tendencies such as in hemophilia, hemorrhagic fevers and polyps that bleed easily on touch. It is also indicate din the case of scurvy and post operative vomiting. There is marked heat in the chest and respiratory disturbances that are made worse by lying on the left side. There is thirst for cold drinks and a desire to eat ice. Small wounds bleed easily and profusely. There are dreams of fire.

It is useful in treating conditions where there is irritation, inflammation and degeneration of mucous and serous membranes, affections of spinal cord and nerves, fatty degeneration of blood vessels, cirrhosis of liver, caries, inflammation of the respiratory tract, scurvy and affections of bones and joints.

Head: Dizziness of the old people after rising from the bed. Neuralgic pains and heat from the spine. Nervous exhaustion with congestion of head and coldness of occiput. Scalp and skin of the forehead feels very tense. Falling of hair in large bunches with itching and dandruff.

Nose: Bleeding from the nose with acute sensitivity to smell. Inflammation of the periosteum of nasal bones and nasal polyps with bleeding. Hallucinations of foul odors with chronic inflammation of nasal mucosa together with bleeding.

Mouth: Swollen, ulcerated and easily bleeding gums with toothache. Dry and smooth tongue with thirst for very cold water. Arrests bleeding after tooth extraction. Soreness of mouth from nursing in infants. Dryness of throat and pharynx with burning and strictures in the oesophagus.

Abdomen: Sharp, cutting pains in the abdomen with coldness and empty sensation. Congestion, inflammation and fatty degeneration of the liver with jaundice and pancreatic diseases.

Skin: Even small wounds bleed heavily which heals and break out again. Skin ulcers with smaller ulcers outside larger ones. Haemorrhagic spots, contusions and bruises, purpura, and scurvy, etc.

Modalities: Worse from touch, physical or mental exertion, warm food or drink; change of weather, from getting wet in hot weather, evening, lying on left or painful side, during a thunder-storm and ascending stairs. Better in the dark, lying on right side, cold food, cold open air, washing with cold water and sleep.

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