It plays a special role of action in the urinary organs and head. It is very useful in certain neuralgic pains, widespread swelling, especially of the feet, sprain in the ankle and foot and pain in the eyes.
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Pack Size(3)
Product Details
It plays a special role of action in the urinary organs and head. It is very useful in certain neuralgic pains, , widespread swelling, especially of the feet, sprain in the ankle and foot and pain in the eyes.
Skin – Cures itching on the tips of the fingers, excess watery fluid collection in the tissues and reappearance of the chicken pox virus.
Rectum – As reported, burning in the anus, hard stool with rectal pain is treated.
Head – The remedy covers pain in the eyeball, piercing toothache, pain beneath skull, shooting pain from the right frontal bone as if the teeth were pulled out.
Abdomen – Treats accumulation of fluid in the abdomen and cramps in the bladder region which worsens while walking.
Respiratory – Symptoms such as oppression and pain in the chest, shortness of breath, rapid throbbing and wheezing when walking.
Other symptoms can be found in –
1. Eyes
2. Urine