Psorinum CH is a medicine with various spheres of action. It is a nosode and is indicated in cases of skin diseases, profuse sweating, itching eruptions, repeated cold infections, hay fever, herpes, etc.
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Product Details
Psorinum CH is a medicine with various spheres of action. It is a nosode and is indicated in cases of skin diseases, profuse sweating, itching eruptions, repeated cold infections, hay fever, herpes, etc. it is often given as an intercurrent remedy. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.
This remedy is found to be effective in cases of debility independent of any organic diseases. It has characteristic symptom of extreme sensitiveness to cold, wants warm clothing even in summer. It is given in subjects of low vitality and lack of reaction. The glands are affected. The secretions are profuse and have a filthy smell. The skin symptoms are very prominent with the history of syphilis.
Mind: Hopeless. Despair of recovery. Melancholic and suicidal tendency
Head: The pain in the head as if from blow on head which is more at night. The headaches are chronic and hungry during attacks. The pain is hammering type worse change of weather. The scalp is covered with humid eruptions and hair matted.
Eyes: The eyes are agglutinated. The eyelids are inflamed and swollen. The secretion is acrid.
Mouth: The corners of mouth ulcerated and cracked. The tongue and gums are ulcerated.
Nose: The nose is stopped and dry. The mucus drips from posterior nares.
Ears: The ears are raw, red and oozing. The scabs around ears are oozing. The discharge is offensive and intolerable itching around ears. The pus oozes from the ears which is brownish and offensive.
Throat: It is indicated in inflammation of the tonsils with pain in the throat while swallowing. The saliva is profuse and offensive. It eradicates tendency to quinsy.
Stomach: The eructations are like bad eggs. The hunger is too much and must have something to eat in the middle of the night. It is indicated in nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.
Stool: The stool is mixed with mucus and blood, excessively fetid and dark. The stool is hard, difficult with blood from rectum and burning piles.
Female: The white discharge is fetid and lumpy with severe backache and debility.
Respiratory: It is indicated in asthma with difficult breathing worse when sitting and better by lying down and keeping arms spread apart. The cough is dry, hard with great weakness of chest. The cough returns every winter from suppressed eruptions. It is indicated in hay fever every year.
Skin: The skin looks dirty and dingy. The skin is dry, lusterless, rough and intolerable itching. The herpetic eruptions are seen on the scalp and bends of joints. The itching is worse from heat of bed.
Modalities: The complaints are worse from coffee, changes of weather, hot sunshine and cold and better by heat.