This remedy acts especially upon the muscular tissues and skin and most characteristic effects on chest walls causing pain in the muscles of chest walls.

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This remedy acts especially upon the muscular tissues and skin and most characteristic effects on chest walls causing pain in the muscles of chest walls. It reduces the bad effects of alcohol and delirium tremens. It is also indicated in hydrothorax and chronic sciatica.

Head: The pains in the forehead and eyeballs are so irritating. There is creeping sensation in the scalp. The pain in the forehead is pressing from within outward.

Eyes: It is indicated in day blindness and photophobia. Pain in the right eye is pressing and smarting as from smoke which is better by standing and walking. It is also indicated in herpes and vesicles on cornea which is painful with lachrymation.

Chest: The pains in the chest are of various kinds with soreness. The pain is as if bruised in sternum, ribs and intercostal spaces. It is indicated in intercostal rheumatism. There is chilliness in the chest when walking in open air. The rheumatic pain in the chest is as from ulceration in the subcutaneous tissue. The pain in the muscles is along the lower margin of shoulder blade.

Skin: The skin is burning and itching which is worse form contact. There are hard excrescences and herpetic eruptions with great itching. The eruptions are bluish vesicles. The palms are itching with blister like eruptions.

Modalities: The symptoms are worse in open air, motion, contact, atmospheric changes, wet, stormy weather.

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