It is a good remedy for joints and rheumatic complaints. It also acts on the damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments and aids the healing of injuries to them.

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Product Details

It is a good remedy for joints and rheumatic complaints. It also acts on the damaged muscles, tendons and ligaments and aids the healing of injuries to them. It is also of great use for injuries of typists, musicians and computer programmers who uses their wrists excessively. It also reduces the nodes or nodules over the bones, periosteum and tendons.

This remedy acts well on the periosteum of bones, cartilages, eyes and uterus. It is indicted for straining of flexor tendons, sprains, lameness following sprains, deposits on bones and tendons, injured and bruised bones

Eyes: Headaches from prolonged eye strain with red, hot, and painful eyes from sewing or reading fine print. Defects in accommodation of the eyeballs. Tired and weary pain while reading with pressure deep within the orbits. Weakness of eyes with pain in the eyeballs and sore bruised feeling of the eyelids.

Urinary: Constant pressure in the region of neck of the bladder after urinating with severe pain at the close of urination. Frequent urging to urinate with sensation of fullness in the bladder.

Respiratory: Weakness of chest from cough with profuse, thick and yellowish expectoration. Shortness of breath with tightness of chest and pain behind the sternum.

Back: Pain all over the back extending from nape of the neck to the back and loins. Better from pressure and lying on back and worse in the morning before rising.

Extremities: Bruised feeling of the spine, limbs, small of back and loins. Weakness of hips, thighs and legs which gives out on rising from a chair. Painful contraction of fingers with stiffness in wrists and hands. Ganglions, sciatica, soreness of tendons, contractions of Hamstrings, pain in tendo-Achilles and pain in bones of feet and ankles with great restlessness.

Modalities: Worse from lying down, from cold and wet weather.

Other symptoms are also found in:

  • Head
  • Stomach
  • Rectum

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